What sets us apart from others
Accepting a limited number of cases, allows us to have a permanent dedication, with attention to the smallest details of each process, consultancy or advisory, which translates into a personalized attention specially designed considering the needs of our clients, providing them timely and permanent information about the service.
Our team has broad experience in the public sector which gives us a comprehensive perspective of the criminal system, evidenced in the use of criminal policy tools as part of the legal strategies applicable to each case.
We have major experience in handling economic criminal law and corporate law related-matters, which enables us to act in an agile and effective manner in the detection and management of risks in criminal matters, to provide comprehensive advice on criminal compliance, under the FCPA requirements and UK-Bribery Act, becoming strategic allies of our clients.
We provide our clients with studies and expertise in international criminal law, human rights, IHL, criminal policy, legislation and transitional justice for the production of concepts, consultancy, advice or litigation in these areas
Attention line
(571) 743 7784
Carrera 7 # 71-52 Torre B Oficina 507 Edificio Los Venados